SMTP Server in Shared Hosting
Being able to access our SMTP server is a part of our standard set of services that you receive for those who get a shared hosting plan with our company. You'll be able to send emails utilizing virtually any e-mail client or device, webmail as well as an email form on your site. You will find the adjustments that you'll require inside the Emails area of our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, which comes with all of our plans. We’ve also made detailed guides where one can see in details exactly how to set up an email account on your computer or mobile phone plus some typical situations and solutions in case you’re not able to send out emails. There is no activation time or anything to do, so you will be capable to send out messages as soon as you get a web hosting package and you also create email addresses with any of your domains.
SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You'll be able to take full advantage of our SMTP server with each and every semi-dedicated server plan that we offer. This allows you to send emails through webmail, an email app on your computer or phone, or perhaps a script on your site. You can start sending email messages when you make an email account in the Emails area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and this is the place where you can find the configurations you need. In addition, you can look at the help articles in the exact same section and see our comprehensive tutorials on how to set up an e-mail account in the most popular e-mail apps. If you ever encounter any difficulty sending out email messages, you should check the list of common solutions we've compiled for your benefit. You can use our semi-dedicated servers any time you send regular newsletters to your clients as the amount of outbound e-mail messages for these kinds of packages is significantly higher in comparison to the shared hosting plans.