E-mail Aliases in Shared Hosting
Setting up an alias for every email address is very easy when you've got a shared hosting plan with us. This can be done in the Emails area of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to control the hosting accounts and it will take no more than a couple of mouse clicks. You can add or delete many aliases at any moment and save time whenever you manage the e-mails for a few email addresses which you use - for example, various business units in a company or separate sections of a web site. In case you receive e-mails from a lot of addresses in one email address, but different people should have a duplicate of certain emails, you can combine the aliases with e-mail forwarding and/or e-mail filters, which can be also configured with Hepsia.
E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you have a semi-dedicated server from our company and you want to set up aliases for each existing email address from the account, it will not take you more than a few mouse clicks to do this. It is easy to create or remove aliases for a specific mailbox at any moment from the Emails area of the in-house built Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated packages. The function will help you to control your e-mail correspondence faster and easier in case that you employ numerous e-mail addresses in various sections of your website. If you combine it with our email forwarding option as well as the filters that you can create, replicates of all incoming messages sent to different e-mail addresses/aliases can be kept both in the primary mailbox for common usage and in the email addresses of other people - business employees in control of different tasks, for instance.